Part 16: First new cylinder is cast—September 2001

One year after the dismantling of NM25 was commenced, the project has moved forward a long way, with the casting of the first of two new cylinders for the locmotive.

As mentioned on earlier pages, one cylinder was in poor condition, and the decision was taken to replace both while the loco is being rebuilt. After several months of pattern making and moulding, Monday 17 September saw the mould sitting in its pit, and almost a tonne of molten iron poured in.

The saying goes "The proof is in the pudding". In this case, the pudding needed two days to set, before it was extracted on Wednesday 19th.

The new cylinder is extracted from the mould
Cleaning the sand off the casting
The new cylinder after having the sand cleaned off
PRRPS member David Phillips (left) with the new cylinder which he helped mould and cast

Tender frames

Since their delivery last month, the tender frames have gradually had the various fittings attached, with a lot of the work being done by volunteers.

Air brake equipment being attached to the tender frames