The Afghan Express with Commonwealth Railways passenger cars departs from Port Augusta where the track gradually climbs up into the Flinders Ranges through the Pichi Richi Pass to Quorn.
NM25 crosses the Saltia Bridge As it did 75 years ago, NM25 with the original Ghan carriages and SAR brake van rolls across the Saltia bridge into Saltia bound for Port Augusta.
W22 at Woolshed Flat Afghan Express heading for Port Augusta slowly crosses Waukarie Creek bridge at Woolshed Flat . RC106 was detached at Woolshed Flat and returned back to Quorn.
Crusher Crossing NM25 coasts down hill pass the Stirling North crusher over the crossing bound for Port Augusta. The old style rail crossing warning sign remains at this crossing.
Saltia Bridge Another view of NM25 crossing the Saltia Creek bridge arriving at Saltia, which once had a hotel for the bullock teams to stop over.
Summit Crossing Approaching the Summit crossing heading for Quorn, NM25's crew keep an eye out for road traffic.
Port Augusta NM25 has completed shunting in the Port Augusta yard to make up the Afghan Express, is now ready to move over to the platform for passengers to board.
NM25 arrives at Woolshed Flat A dry Summer at Quorn requires water to be brought up from Port Augusta. A water gin was added to the rear of the consist to be filled at Port Augusta.
NM25 powers out of Quorn. NM25 with a water gin attached at the rear powers out of Quorn back to Port Augusta.
Quorn A two car Afghan Express with Brakevan ready for departure.
W22 departs Port Augusta Slightly late departing W22 crosses Carlton Parade Road crossing for Quorn
Departing Quorn on time W22 departs Quorn returning passengers back to Port Augusta.
W22 depating Quorn W22 heads out of Quorn pass the home signal for Port Augusta