Our train, hauled by a former Ghan vintage diesel locomotive, makes two return journeys from Quorn—allowing you to join us in either Port Augusta or Quorn.
For those who will board in Quorn, the train leaves Quorn at 3.00pm, returning at 8:30pm for dinner and sweets at the Transcontinental Hotel. The train will stop at Woolshed Flat where hors’doeuvres will be served.
Passengers are welcome to join the train in Port Augusta for a 6.00pm departure, and you will also enjoy hors'douvres at Woolshed Flat, followed by a meal at Quorn's Transcontinental Hotel—a genuine outback pub.
The New Years Special will leave Quorn at 12:30am, taking you back to Port Augusta by approximately 2:30am.
- Adults $90 (including meals)
- Concession $84 (including meals)
- Children $35 (including meals)
Make your booking for an enjoyable evening now! Please book via the Booking Officer—refer to the Bookings page for contact information.